Talk Series Stanford-Baltics Exchange Program International Partnership Projects Vabamu Concierge Service Telling Vabamu’s Stories Abroad
Skytte Institute, 2024

I’ve loved my time in Tartu and am so grateful to have been given this opportunity to work in Estonia for two months. Working at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies has offered me the chance to expand my area of expertise and to learn more about EU institutions and policies while also offering me plenty of time to explore Tartu. I’ve loved trying out the cafes and pubs in the city center, running by the river, swimming at the beaches, going to concerts, and getting to know other young interns who are in the city for the summer. Vabamu has also provided excellent cultural trips, giving me the chance to get to know Tallinn and Riga, as well as the interesting and diverse history of the region. This summer has been more wonderful than I ever could have imagined!

Vabamu, 2024

My experience with the Stanford Baltic Internship program has facilitated my global education tremendously. Studying International Relations, I am always eager to explore my education outside of a classroom and being able to work with VABAMU Museum of Freedoms and Occupations was exactly what I was looking for. From researching for upcoming exhibitions, working on collections, and helping create educational materials on various topics such as genocide and international law, I have been able to apply all that I have learned at Stanford into my internship and gain valuable experiences. Additionally, being able to speak with foreign service officers has given me clarity towards possible career pathways in diplomacy and inspired me to continue my global education as I continue my professional and academic pursuits.

CCDCOE, 2024

During my internship at NATO CCDCOE, I deepened my understanding of cybersecurity strategy within a multilateral context by engaging with both the technical and policy aspects of the Centre’s portfolio. I utilized open-source cyber threat intelligence tools to identify maritime ports most vulnerable to cyber attacks and conducted a comparative analysis of how different countries are integrating artificial intelligence into their cyber threat hunting capabilities. The resilient and vibrant spirit of the Baltics has left a lasting impression on me, and one I hope to return to one day.

TechHub Riga, 2024

My involvement with early-stage startups at Startup House Riga has provided me with valuable insights into the joys and challenges that founders face. The Startup House community has been welcoming and warm, organizing weekly events and hosting guests from all around the world. Riga is a fascinating city with architectural gems, including its vast old town founded in the 13th century, and Jurmala, which has one of the most beautiful beaches in northeastern Europe. I highly recommend this experience to anyone interested in exploring the rich cultural and historical heritage that Europe has to offer. 

FinEst Centre, 2024

These past two months in Tallinn have been truly unforgettable, and I will cherish the memories I’ve made here. I never expected to find myself in the Baltics; I knew very little about the region before the program, but I’ve come away with a deep appreciation and understanding of its rich culture and history. The Vabamu trips to Riga, Tartu, and Tallinn offered opportunities we wouldn’t have had if we were traveling on our own—from meeting the US Ambassador to Riga, to hearing musicians play Estonian fiddles during Medieval Days in Tallinn, to uncovering the deep history behind the KGB prison cells. We learned so much and formed such strong friendships. During my internship at the FinEst Centre for Smart Cities, I learned to build 3D models of Estonia’s biodiversity, and I’m fortunate that my work will be displayed at the Estonian Museum of Natural History! I hope to return to the Baltics in the future!

ICDS, 2024

I loved my summer in Estonia, and my internship at the International Center for Defense and Security (ICDS) in Tallinn was a truly enriching experience. I delved into research on Russian negotiation strategies and the Ukraine war, guided by a supportive team that made the journey both intellectually stimulating and fulfilling. Coming from Belarus, I was deeply inspired by Estonia’s transformation from its Soviet past to becoming a leader in digital innovation. I’m especially grateful to Vabamu for the incredible opportunity to explore the Baltics and to the wonderful friends I made here, which added a rich cultural layer to my time. This experience has left a lasting impression on me, both professionally and personally.

Riga Stradins University, 2024

I absolutely loved my summer in Riga, Latvia! Working with Dr. Una Cerenkova at the China Studies Center at Riga Stradins University has provided me with unparalleled opportunities to work on China-EU relations and engage with the Latvian think-tank and foreign policy communities. Dr. Cerenkova is an incredible mentor who is dedicated to making this experience as meaningful as possible for me. Beyond my internship, I’ve been incredibly grateful for the chance to explore Riga and the Baltics. Through Vabamu-run trips and independent adventures, I’ve immersed myself in Baltic culture, food, and history, which has enriched my understanding of the region. I can’t wait to return to Latvia soon!

Vabamu, 2024

I will forever be grateful to Stanford’s Baltic Internship program for allowing me to discover and fall in love with a new part of the world. By living and working in Tallinn, I’ve been introduced to Estonia’s beautiful folk culture through summer festivals and concerts, and have seen firsthand the great technological advancements they have made since reindependence. My work at Vabamu has been especially rewarding as with tour guiding, exhibit research, and collections preservation work I’ve learned a significant amount of 20th century Estonian history. The team at Vabamu has also been so welcoming and supportive, patiently explaining Estonian cultural phenomenons and being willing to answer any and all questions I have. Thanks to this program, I now feel a deep appreciation for Estonia and hope to continue learning more about this special place!

FinEst Centre, 2024

Having known very little about the Baltic region, I knew I wanted to go there to have an entirely different professional and social experience. My time in the Baltics exceeded my hopes and expectations, and I would highly recommend people to travel and consider working there. I was met with a wonderfully welcoming office environment at FinEst Centre and was guided in meaningful project work connected to the EU NetZeroCities initiative to promote and achieve smarter, climate neutral cities in Europe. Through the Internship Program organized by Stanford Global Studies and Vabamu, I learned a great deal about Estonian and Latvian occupancy history and the measures being taken, given the current political context, to ensure independence and freedom long-term. I also thoroughly immersed myself in Estonian culture, cuisine, and coffee, and happily savored the Estonian summer sun and short nights while making lifelong friends in the process. I found myself often using one word to articulate my feelings as I walked the forested trails behind my office on my way home from work or as I took in the peaceful streets of the Tallinn city center, and I believe it to be most fitting to describe my overall experience. My summer in the Baltics was, well, simply lovely

Skytte Institute, 2024

I loved the activities organized through the Stanford Baltic Internship programme. I found them insightful and illuminating and particularly enjoyed the opportunity to connect with my fellow Stanford students and a broad range of fascinating individuals who contribute to the strengthening of Estonian society and wider Baltic identity more broadly. Big thanks to Kadri for her hard work in organizing all the excursions to Tallinn, Riga and Tartu.

Baltic Security Foundation, Riga, 2024

My internship at the Baltic Security Foundation in Riga, Latvia, has been an extraordinary experience. Working on critical projects related to transatlantic security has given me a profound understanding of the geopolitical landscape and the importance of international cooperation. The opportunity to contribute to such vital work in a region with rich history and strategic significance has been both professionally and personally rewarding.

CCDCOE, 2024

During my Stanford Baltic Internship, I was exposed to cybersecurity law at the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. During my experience, I was able to draft articles for publication centered on regulating Private Military and Security Companies and combatting foreign election interference. Outside of work, I was able to explore the streets of Tallinn and enjoy the nature as well as the vibrant culture found throughout the city. Through the summer programs, I was able to discover new cities such as the European Cultural Capital of Tartu and Riga in Latvia. Overall, it was a truly unforgettable experience!  – Dylan

Vabamu, 2023

I absolutely loved my summer in Estonia. I didn’t know what to expect coming in, but after exploring Tallinn I fell in love with the beautiful Old Town, the fascinating history, and the vibrant city. I grew exponentially while living abroad this summer and I am leaving with so much knowledge about the history and politics of the Baltics. Working at Vabamu was an incredible experience — being able to further the museum’s crucial mission while learning about museum collections, exhibitions, and visitor engagement has only increased my desire to pursue a future in museum work. A highlight of my internship was working for a week as a mentor at Hüppelaud, a hackathon for Estonian youth. I am so grateful for the opportunity to spend my summer in Estonia and can’t wait for my next trip back to the Baltics one day!

Skytte Institute, 2023

My time in Estonia has been such a formative experience for me. I have gotten to speak to individuals who are kind, interesting, and share their own experiences to further introduce me to this dynamic country. It has offered the feeling of a tight night community while also having beautiful nature and really interesting cities. I recommend anyone who has an interest in this area to come and see it for yourself! 

CCDCOE, 2023

I’ve really enjoyed my summer experience in the Baltics! Working with the NATO CCDCOE has given me incredible first hand knowledge and insight into a really exciting subfield of international security (cyber and cyber defense), and I’ve had the opportunity to interact with leaders and top researchers in the field on a daily basis. I am appreciative of the individual attention I’ve received, and I’ve learned so much about the technical and policy side of cyber defense. I definitely see myself returning to the Baltics in the future. It is the ideal place to be for a career in international security and cyber, which is something I could see myself doing in the long-term. 

I’ve also enjoyed the cultural education received from the Vabamu trips and programming. Learning about the history, the food, the government, and the contemporary issues facing the region gave me a greater understanding of the culture I am living in, as well as an appreciation for the resilience of the Baltic people.

TechHub Riga, 2023

In the radiant summer of 2023, I found myself immersed in the cultural vibrancy and technological dynamism of Riga, Latvia. As a product development intern at HackMotion, an experience that was nothing short of exceptional awaited me. I was entrusted with remarkable responsibilities, plunging headfirst into the world of app and product analytics to generate reports for user testing. My creative potential was also tapped as I contributed to the design of intuitive UX/UI solutions, a significant one being the transition of the app from landscape to portrait mode. This summer in Riga has been an amalgamation of experiences – exciting work, travel adventures, and cultural exchange – that have indelibly imprinted on my memory. I will cherish the recollections of this enchanting summer for the rest of my life.

Tehnopol, 2023

Tallinn is for anyone up to experience medieval, post-Soviet, digital utopia all at once – many worlds in this cozy corner of the Baltics. My team at Tehnopol was truly one of a kind – considerate, fun, forward thinking and with the best recommendations! Our work has been invaluable to my understanding of startups, acceleration and innovation policy in Europe.

Baltic Security Foundation, 2023

Spending the summer in Riga has allowed me to build connections and explore international relations from a new perspective that will forever impact my academic and career goals. I’m so thankful to have gotten this chance to expand my experience beyond the Stanford campus!

ICDS, 2023

I’ve loved getting to know the Baltic states! As someone from Ukraine, it was striking to me how many similar perspectives we share and I felt very connected to the Estonian people. I was especially inspired by the Baltic states’ struggles for freedom and independence, one that is very parallel to Ukraine’s. There are lots of lessons to be learned from their experiences and applied back home. I’ve learned a lot about nationhood, politics, freedom, security, and more and am walking away with lots of ideas of how to make my own community stronger.

CCDCOE, 2023

My Baltic internship at CCDCOE in Estonia this summer has been an extraordinary experience that I will cherish forever. As an intern at CCDCOE, I’ve had the privilege of immersing myself in cutting-edge cyber defense projects while also collaborating with brilliant minds from around the world. Beyond the work, Estonia’s welcoming atmosphere made exploring the country’s history and culture a joy. From walking through the Kumu to watching Nublu perform twice, I’ve loved every moment here. Living and working in Estonia has not only equipped me with a clear understanding of cyber defense but has also given me a profound appreciation for the country’s unique blend of innovation and tradition. This summer has undeniably been a transformative period in both my professional growth and personal experiences — I could not be more thankful for this experience!

Vabamu, 2023

Working in Estonia was a great way for me to reconnect with my Baltic identity and to learn how to live on my own. I loved my internship at Vabamu: I took part in exciting projects, learned from my coworkers, and had the flexibility to tailor the experience to my interests. Exploring Tallinn and the surrounding cities was incredibly fun and enriching– eight weeks just flew by! I’ll be sure to return as there is still so much left that I would like to do.

Riga Stradins University, 2023

I had never been to the Baltics before this summer, and knew very little about the rich culture and history of this area; I knew where Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were by remembering that they went North to South in alphabetical order for geography exams in history class and that was all. I have loved living in Riga and exploring the city with my Stanford flatmates, and immersing myself in a country that feels youthful, vibrant and optimistic as it emerges from its Soviet past, and fiercely celebrates its language and national identity. My internship has been a great experience, and I have learned so much and been given so many amazing opportunities. I am sad that my internship is coming to an end, and I know that Riga will always be a special place to me.

HackMotion, 2022

It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Not only was I able to gain valuable skills in my internship that I’m sure will benefit me in my career path, but I was also able to spend a summer in a beautiful area of the world that probably would have never known much about otherwise.

Skytte Institute, 2022

My time in Estonia was incredible. Estonia is a beautiful country with unique people and a rich history. If you have never been before, you will be greeted by beautiful green scenery with stunning, historical architecture. My work at the University of Tartu was engaging, thoughtful, diverse, and unique. I was able to learn from individuals with different backgrounds and use that to inform my work. Internships in the Baltics are an invaluable opportunity to not only expand your professional skills, but also, a unique chance for personal development and cultural immersion.

Skytte Institute, 2022

This summer was an opportunity for me to learn more about a part of the region of my studies that is, regrettably, often overlooked. Having this opportunity to work at the University of Tartu for the summer made me realize what a great injustice my field of studies does to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. I expected to find a post-Soviet country like the many others I had the chance to visit and live in. I was very surprised to find instead a young, dynamic, developed nation, which was proud of its identity and individuality.

Tehnopol, 2022

It was one of the most enriching 3 months of my life. All of a sudden, I was dropped into a foreign country, on my own, and not only had to live like an adult, but I had to adapt to the way of life there. The internship itself was not the only valuable thing about this experience – the people, the weekend excursions, and practicing a foreign language all contributed to my uninterrupted sense of joy this summer.

E- residency, 2022

It was such an incredible experience to work in a new culture and learn from such a diverse group of individuals with varying backgrounds. My favorite memory from e-Residency was our team bonding trip to the countryside, where we went canoeing in a bog in Paide, Estonia! I am so grateful to have this experience and love sharing it with my friends and family


In the summer of 2024, Stanford students can choose between 7 different internship opportunities in Estonia and Latvia, offered by the Global Studies Internship Program.
Global conversations