Support The Museum
Telling historical stories to future generations requires resources and co-operation. We want to create a museum that touches people from all around the world, not just Estonians. You can help!

Why Your Support Matters
We urge you to bestow a gift to the next generation, so that they can learn from the past as they build their future. All of us have a common goal – we wish to educate the next generation and make Estonia more visible around the world. Be a part of it!
Make a Donation
Using the payment options below, you can make a positive contribution to Vabamu and help educate future generations. Our museum appreciates each donation, as even small contributions can be of help in teaching the world something new and interesting about Estonian history.
Make a Bank Transfer
Here you will find the details needed to complete a bank transfer.
When making a transfer, write your name and personal identification code in the explanation. The Kistler-Ritso Estonian Foundation is a tax-deductible organisation. This means that a private person can apply for refund of income tax from donations. We will provide the taxpayer’s personal identification number and the donation sum to the Tax and Customs Board, and it will be reflected in the pre-completed declaration of income.
Send a Check
Here you will find the details needed to complete a bank transfer.
1750 112TH AVE NE, SUITE E200
20€ – Keep our precious memories safe and alive!
Vabamu exhibitions ensure stories from our shared past and present are safeguarded. Your 20 meets the cost of an audio recording to capture and share a moment in time.
50€ – Bring Billy to Vabamu!
Vabamu reaches 3000 youngsters annually through youth engagement. But for some kids like Billy the travel and entry are too much. Your 50 can meet the cost of his first educational visit.
100€ – Share our story with the world!
Vabamu has a wonderful story to share about our culture, history and heritage. Will you help share the story across world by meeting the cost of a online promotion?
500€ – Become Vabamu’s Global Guardian!
Vabamu encourages everyone to think about the recent past, to sense the fragility of freedom, and to stand for freedom and justice. Your 500 can meet the cost of reaching new audiences!

Donate an Item or Tell Us Your Story
We are very grateful to receive your story and we are particularly interested in the letters and articles of your grandparents. Over 40,000 items have been donated to the museum over the years, all of which tell touching stories about our recent history. Write to our Collection Manager Liisi Rannast-Kask at the e-mail address or call +372 668 0250.

Many good people have donated to the Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom. Thank you! Because of your support, we are able to touch and educate tens of thousands of citizens and take care of 40,000 items that have been donated to the museum!
People who help the museum to promote liberty and justice
- Olga Ritso Kistler and Walter P. Kistler
- Sten Tamkivi and Ede Schank Tamkivi
- Marju Rink-Abel and Rein Abel
- Ardo Hansson and Triinu Tombak
- Taavet and Silvia Hinrikus Fantauzzi
- Andrus Purde
- Michael and Carol Keller
- Tõnu Pekk
- Henrik Paludan Beckvard
- Joanna Adler
- Martin Põder
- Raino Paron
- Maris Leemets
- Indrek Kasela and Olga Temnikova
- Andres Lipstok
- Toomas Hansson
- Martti Randveer
- Martin Tombak
- Kilvar Kessler
- Anu Alber
- Kersti Talving
- Andres Rätsepp
- Veiko Sepp
- Eva-Liisa Andresson
- Peeter Reštšinski
- Jaanus Hiie
- Priit Perens
- Riina Maisma
- Ingrid Oberle
- Kristi Klaasmägi
- William Mart Laanemäe
- Ülo Kaasik
- Tauno Vanaselja
- Martin Lengi
- Anu Grabbi
- Märt Kivine
- Kristjan Hansson
- Robert Kitt
- Tanel Ross
- Kristjan Prikk
- Andres Sutt
- Ragnar Rattas
- Mikk Vainik
- Marika Pihel
- Reili Rand
- Kaire Saarse
- Heili Kärg
- Mirjam Krull
- Marko Poolamets
- Maris Sild
- Kevin Hall
- Mikk Puusepp
- Michael Alan Keller
- Renee Trisberg
- Anna and Joosep Siirimäe granchildren Jüri Siirimäe, Viiu Siirimäe, Inge Leesman, Maire Alksnis, Linda Jaanson
- Lui Jaanson
- Taavet+Sten Tulevikufond MTÜ
- Estonian Ministry of Culture
- Hansab
- Silindia Ehitus
- Metroprint
- Telora Motor
- Mast Partner Sisu Consult OÜ
- Nortal
- Cybernetica
- OÜ Suured Sõnad
- Kistler-Ritso Foundation
“Never Again!” This was my mother’s reason to found a museum documenting the Soviet and Nazi occupations. Vabamu’s purpose is to inspire, promote and preserve freedom, showcasing the resistance of the Estonian people to these repressions and the subsequent rise of a vibrant, free Estonia.
For me, freedom means the ability to be who you want to be.
Estonian World War II refugees and their descendants ensured that Estonia was never forgotten by the free world. Their hard work, dedication, and belief in freedom must be recorded in Estonian history.