Marek Tamm:

During my time at Stanford, as a visiting scholar at The Europe Center, I worked on a comprehensive project about the historical culture of the Baltic exile community in the West, among other smaller projects. I utilized the abundant resources at the Green Library and conducted research at the Hoover Institution Library and Archives; my focus was on the personal archives of prominent Baltic exile scholars and diplomats.

I participated in public lectures, seminars, and book presentations at Stanford, where I also networked extensively. I met with Stanford scholars, such as Rowan Doran, Dan Edelstein, Lazar Fleishman, Fiona Griffiths, Anna Grzymala-Busse, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Jovana Lazić Knežević, Jenna Philips, Amir Weiner, as well as key campus figures including Michael A. Keller, the university librarian, and Alan Harvey, director of the Stanford University Press. I also connected with other visiting fellows and Estonian and Finnish colleagues studying at Stanford.

I delivered two public lectures: one at The Europe Center, titled “Making Sense of the Past: How Digital Technology Changes Our Relations with Time, History, and Memory,” (see the video recording) and another at the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, titled “New Techniques of Truth Production: The Rise of the Quaestio Culture in Thirteenth-Century Europe.”

My seven-week stay at Stanford was incredibly energizing and fruitful. It was a pleasure to meet scholars whose work has inspired me for years. I’m grateful to everyone who supported my research and stay. I look forward to further contributing to the Stanford-Estonia partnership.