Help us keep Estonia free.

For 20 years, Vabamu has been sharing the story of one nation`s freedom: about the gaining, the losing and the regaining. Estonia`s story for its freedom is shared by several countries on a global scale, but it is a unique example of recovery. And part of that recovery is about global networks and Estonia`s friends abroad.

Make an impact.

For Vabamu to keep on growing and expanding our international connections and so that we would never be alone again, we are looking for Global Guardians!

Support freedom.

Vabamu’s Global Guardians are our friends abroad who share our values and support our mission. By joining the membership program you will have access to a unique circle of people and you can have a say in how Vabamu expands and develops over the coming years.

Become a Vabamu Global Guardian with a minimum gift of 500 EUR. Benefits include:

  • invitations to exclusive private events hosted by Vabamu and Stanford University Libraries as part of our Global Conversations program
  • one-on-one time annually with Vabamu’s CEO to learn about our work and provide your feedback and ideas
  • access to a global network of people who support Vabamu and the story of free Estonia

Make a Donation

Using the payment options below, you can make a positive contribution to Vabamu by becoming our Global Guardian. So you would not miss out on the benefits of being a Global Guardian, please make sure to email us once you have made the donation.

Support Us with a Card Payment
Make a payment with PayPal

For tax deduction in Canada, you can donate through EERO.
For tax deduction in the U.S. please contact us directly by emailing

Vabamu’s Global Guardianship program in my family’s estimation is an excellent way to express our continuing enthusiasm for a free, successful, and welcoming nation, Estonia. We visit Estonia often, always envious of the vibrant cultural scene there, the patriotism of the citizens of Estonia, and the success of its economy, due particularly to the widespread digital environment encouraging both start-ups and mature companies. We also admire the universities that engage in serious research while bringing younger generations into the deep satisfaction of learning, indeed life-long learning. Vabamu supports and celebrates all of this while assuring that the now distant memories of the Soviet occupation maintain the “never again” national manifesto for all Estonians, broadcasting it to the rest of the world.

Michael A. Keller and Carol A. Lawrence (Stanford, California, USA)