- Temporary exhibitions
Why Estonia? The 30-year Journey from the USSR to e-Estonia
The exhibition was open at Vabamu in 19.11.2021–15.01.2023
In November 2021 we opened a new exhibition ‘Why Estonia? 30 Years from the USSR to e-Estonia’ exhibition, which takes a look back at the birth of our digital nation, its achievements over the years and what the future holds in store. The playful layout and engaging stories are designed to help answer the questions of how and why Estonia, once a nation of farmers, became a world-leading digital society and what new challenges lie ahead of us.
The exhibition has been curated by Henrik Roonemaa from an idea by Karen Jagodin.
How the exhibition came about
For Estonia, developing digital possibilities has been one way of surviving financially and standing out on the world stage. A country as small as ours enjoys few opportunities to do that, after all.
But why us in particular, and how? There is something in Estonians that simply will not allow us to remain invisible. Something that makes us dig in our heels when faced with a challenge that at first glance seems impossible. The success story of our digital state is proof of our dogged determination, the fruits of which we are able to enjoy ourselves and proudly show to others.
The exhibition showcases the conditions that enabled Estonia to become a world-leading digital state and looks at how digital society has changed our nation, the people who live here and the entrepreneurs who operate in the country. It also examines the new challenges we face in connection with developments in technology (including its darker side – cybersecurity and the risks inherent in digital behaviour) and where the Estonian state’s new vision will lead our digital society in the future.
Target group
The exhibition will be of interest to visitors of all ages and backgrounds – Estonians and tourists alike. Anyone keen to obtain an overview of the e-success story of our little nation, of its past, present and future, is welcome to visit the exhibition.
Exhibition visuals and content
The exhibition is visually very attractive: at Vabamu the story of our e-state becomes a hands-on world of unicorns and techno-giants in which old computers, mobile phones, video games and current and future e-state solutions all have their place. In order for what the exhibition showcases to be better understood and remembered, its displays are attractive and provide an unforgettable experience.