On October 1 at 15.00, Vabamu, together with Reformum Space Tallinn and a team of Russian political activists in exile #Facesofrussianresistance, will open the traveling exhibition “Faces of Russian Resistance” on Freedom Square. The Tallinn exhibition is the first in a series that will be displayed in cities around the world. The exhibition is about Russians who dared to stand up against Putin’s criminal regime and have paid for it with their freedom. The heroes of the exhibition are not only politicians, but also ordinary citizens who do not believe false propaganda and do not accept their country’s invasion of Ukraine. They were all sentenced to years in prison. Some even for decades.
The exhibition lasts 10 days. At the opening of the exhibition, a rally will be held, where the organizers of the project, colleagues from Memorial and other people will have their say on how it is important that the world knows those people who today save the honor of Russia with their actions and words.
The photo shows journalist Maria Ponomarenko, who was sentenced to 6 years in prison. Source: Sota