These past two months in Tallinn have been truly unforgettable, and I will cherish the memories I’ve made here. I never expected to find myself in the Baltics; I knew very little about the region before the program, but I’ve come away with a deep appreciation and understanding of its rich culture and history. The Vabamu trips to Riga, Tartu, and Tallinn offered opportunities we wouldn’t have had if we were traveling on our own—from meeting the US Ambassador to Riga, to hearing musicians play Estonian fiddles during Medieval Days in Tallinn, to uncovering the deep history behind the KGB prison cells. We learned so much and formed such strong friendships. During my internship at the FinEst Centre for Smart Cities, I learned to build 3D models of Estonia’s biodiversity, and I’m fortunate that my work will be displayed at the Estonian Museum of Natural History! I hope to return to the Baltics in the future!